Just beautiful photographs

Part two of the bark key for Dutch hardwood trees: coarse and cracked bark

2. Coarse bark

1. Characteristic bark | 2. Smooth bark | 3. Coarse bark | 4. Cracked bark or halfway between smooth and coarse | Bud key

Trees with real coarse bark are beautiful. The ridges seem to tell you the tree is ancient. It must have been here when knights were roaming the land. Pure feeling and therefore great.
Tree species with a coarse bark often have a smooth bark when individuals are young. I will therefore try to specify at what size trees of a certain species get rough.:-)

3. Cracked bark or halfway between smooth and coarse

1. Characteristic bark | 2. Smooth bark | 3. Coarse bark | 4. Cracked bark or halfway between smooth and coarse | Bud key